Is That How Clowns Have Sex? A One-Woman, Queer Clown Sex-Ed Show produced by Maximaliste Productions doesn’t shy away from sex talk, and will have you in stitches doing so. The performer, Fiona Ross, is quirky and sweet, and has the right comedic timing as she playfully acts out different aspects of sex education using her clown character Ms. Beatrice Haven. Don’t expect anything serious or to have your sex questions answered in a clear fashion, but you will be entertained and there will be a lot of laughter throughout. At times the act can get a bit repetitive, but Ms. Beatrice manages to keep the audience engaged and you never quite know what’s going to happen next. So, if you plan on going make sure to bring a weird, funny, or burning sex question and it just might get answered during the show! Is That How Clowns Have Sex? A One-Woman, Queer Clown Sex-Ed Show by Maximaliste Productions is playing at Your Open Closet 6 - 16 September as part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. ~ reviewed by Jenna Masuhara Click "read more" for the full video transcript.
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