A unique and intriguing interpretation of the Biblical story: Cain and Abel. Directed and performed by Aryo and Arash Khakpour, these two artists convey the story through aggressive movement, jarring sound effects and a variety of props. The main focus of the performance is on the relationship between the two brothers, and in the second half: two sisters. Due to the absence of female characters in the original story this interpretation explored the dynamics between the two characters as women instead of men. Drawing on excerpts from The Maids the Khakpours portray monologues in character that come across as comical as well as emotionally moving. Filled with symbolism and a lack of explicitness, this performance can be hard to follow at times. The two performers seamlessly change from aggressive, to loving, to playful and even comical and in and out of their characters. Cain and Abel by The Biting School is playing at the Firehall Arts Centre from October 3rd - October 6th. Tickets at: http://firehallartscentre.ca/onstage/cain-and-abel/ ~ reviewed by Selene Dublanko
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January 2019