Playwrights: Tom Hill & Devin Mackenzie use humour and a simulated tech conference to alert you about a very serious topic with Hip.Bang! presents Surveil. This comedy duo uses that awkward humour, reminiscent of The Office, to the delight of the audience. These two really embody their characters well; foils of each each other in every way, they strike a hilarious balance between over-confident and socially awkward. Get ready for lots of audience participation for this tech presentation and there might even be some free food. Make sure you arrive early because they’re serious about those waivers! Hip.Bang! presents Surveil is playing at The Improv Centre on Granville Island 6 - 16 September as part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. ~ reviewed by Selene Dublanko Click "read more" for the full video transcript.
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Banned in the USA is a production by Gerard Harris of That's Enough Drama of Montreal Quebec. Harris is actually very much a Brit who relocated to Canada in about 2012 and Banned in the USA is the true tale of his exploits in Canada with a bit of early biographical information. I was looking forward to this show based on the reviews and flyer info although I wasn't sure what to expect. One reviewer from another Fringe Festival panned it and others thought it hilarious. All agreed his delivery is frenetic and he should not be allowed near any caffeinated products. I was actually disappointed. Harris is more of a sit down comic than an actor. The venue was minimalist providing only about 25 or 40 seats and a tiny stage. Harris sat in the small chair in the centre for most of his performance. There were no lighting or costumes. Just Harris and black curtains marking a tiny proscenium-like area for his performance. It seemed that he hadn't done this show for some time and he did occasionally stumble over lines. Based on reviews from other performances he ad libs so the story can vary somewhat from show to show. At about the 45 minute mark he ask the audience what the time was so he could judge how to wrap up the story - which was long and winding. There was a segue from the main thread that took us to an Irish Murder Mystery wherein he played a part, That segment didn't seem to bear any relation to the main story line as he dropped in that bit without tying it back. A number of audience members left before the end. Harris is entertaining and some people seemed to enjoy the show but I left feeling unmoved. I can't really recommend it . I wish I could. Banned in the USA by That's Enough Drama is playing at Arts Umbrella 6 - 16 September as part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. ~ reviewed by Evelyn McKelvie Click "read more" for the full video transcript.Written by Abdul Aziz and Shaw O'Hara, Fake Ghost Tours is a true ode to real Ghost Tours and Ghost Hunters everywhere. From their outfits to their portable microphone boxes, to their deadpan delivery, Fake Ghost Tours would almost be believable if it wasn't so hilarious. Aziz and O'Hara are charming, present, and attentive performers who bring Granville Island to life with their made-up tales of the supernatural. Areas for improvement: Please make the tour longer! Also to note: I joke about Fake Ghost Tours having "cuter guys" than a real ghost tour in the video. Both Aziz and O'Hara, I have come to find out, are in relationships with lovely partners to whom I would like to issue a formal apology, as well as a congratulatory sentiment. Fake Ghost Tours by Whells Phargo Productions is an outdoors walking tour starting from the Fringe Hub 6 - 16 September as part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. ~ reviewed by Madisen Steele Click "read more" for the full video transcript.Trevor and Margaret is staged at XY, a nightclub with a small stage, made for intimate shows. And Trevor and Margaret get intimate while holding each other at bay. Is it love? Or is Trevor self-destructive? And when someone is self-destructive, will they go down alone, or will they take those closest with them? You may not find answers in this production but it will open up questions and give you and your theatre-going friends something to explore. The cast made good use of a small stage and a limited set and lighting. They had nothing more than three black chairs on stage. However, as characters came in and out of a scene and switched from interacting to monologue, both the lights and the chairs clearly indicated to the audience what was happening on stage. If you are in love, or think you might be, yet struggle with love and family dynamics and their interplay, this could be the play for you. Trevor and Margaret by Tomosuru Productions is playing at XY 6 - 16 September as part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. ~ reviewed by Melody Owen Click "read more" for the full video transcript. |