Written by Abdul Aziz and Shaw O'Hara, Fake Ghost Tours is a true ode to real Ghost Tours and Ghost Hunters everywhere. From their outfits to their portable microphone boxes, to their deadpan delivery, Fake Ghost Tours would almost be believable if it wasn't so hilarious. Aziz and O'Hara are charming, present, and attentive performers who bring Granville Island to life with their made-up tales of the supernatural. Areas for improvement: Please make the tour longer! Also to note: I joke about Fake Ghost Tours having "cuter guys" than a real ghost tour in the video. Both Aziz and O'Hara, I have come to find out, are in relationships with lovely partners to whom I would like to issue a formal apology, as well as a congratulatory sentiment. Fake Ghost Tours by Whells Phargo Productions is an outdoors walking tour starting from the Fringe Hub 6 - 16 September as part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. ~ reviewed by Madisen Steele Click "read more" for the full video transcript.Madison Steele: Welcome Theatre Addicts. My name is Madison Steele.
Kate Delarm: My name is Kate Delarm. Madison Steele: And tonight we're gonna be reviewing fake ghost tours by Wells Fargo Production, as a part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. It is a BYOV, a Bring Your Own Venue. So, I'm guessing that we're gonna be going on a tour of Granville Island, talking about fake ghosts. Kate Delarm: Fake ghosts. Madison Steele: Maybe real ghosts. Who knows? Kate Delarm: Is the tour fake or are the ghosts fake? Madison Steele: That is the question. Kate Delarm: Right. Kate Delarm: I'm really excited to see this. We've been on ghost tours like, I guess real ghost tours? Madison Steele: Yes. So, we are actually seasoned ghost tour experts. We have been on ghost tours in Europe and in Canada, in Victoria. Kate Delarm: Yeah. We're gonna to go to a Vancouver one hopefully this year. Madison Steele: We're gonna go to a Vancouver one, so this is going to be interesting to see how the fake ghost tour holds up against a real ghost tour. To be continued. We'll let you know. See you soon. Kate Delarm: I'm really excited. Madison Steele: Whoo-hoo, spooky ghosts. Madison Steele: Okay, so, we just saw Fake Ghost Tours. It was great. Kate Delarm: It was really good. Madison Steele: It was really good. It was really, really good. It was better than the real ghost tours that we've been on. It was funnier, it had cuter guys. Kate Delarm: All right, just throw it out there. Madison Steele: I'm just throwing it out there. They did an amazing job. It was their opening night. It was their first night of the Fringe, and they were so confident and they really took us with them on the journey, literally and figuratively, both. Kate Delarm: Literally took us on a journey ... Madison Steele: Yes, around the island. Kate Delarm: ... around the island. Madison Steele: Yeah. Kate Delarm: We were also, like, transported. Madison Steele: We were transported. We laughed the whole time. The audience was psyched. Kate Delarm: Most of the audience laughed the whole time. We laughed more, I think. Madison Steele: Well, I they were within our age demographic. Like, I think we're coming from the same ... yeah. Just, we have a lot of the same thoughts and idea because we're of similar ages, I think. Kate Delarm: Maybe. Madison Steele: I think so. Kate Delarm: Yeah, they've obviously seen all the Ghost Hunter shows that we grew up watching, and our kind of really bullshit, hilarious. Madison Steele: Yes. Also, know notable, this is probably not a great show for kids. Kate Delarm: Oh, yeah. Madison Steele: There was swear words and innuendo and all the really fun stuff. Like, I think this would be an amazing show to go have a couple of beers and then go see the show. Like, go have a couple of drinks, have food with your friends, and then everybody go see Fake Ghost Stories because it's phenomenal and ... Kate Delarm: It's really good. Madison Steele: Yeah, and you wanna be in that silly comedy head space. Kate Delarm: Yeah, but I'm not sure that everybody there ... I think that everybody was just sober and also really enjoying it. Madison Steele: No, that's true, but I'm saying, for those of you who like to indulge. Madison Steele: There's some screaming going on. Kate Delarm: There's a different show happening. Madison Steele: There's a different show happening. It's a comedy. It's a comedy. Yeah. Kate Delarm: Yeah, it was like, two thumbs up, it was great. Having a good time. Madison Steele: Yeah, we had a really, really good time, and like more than anything, I think it was really fun, and silly, and ... yeah, just wonderful. Kate Delarm: And it was outside, so if it's raining like it is now, it's like something to note. Madison Steele: Yes. Kate Delarm: But also, it was relatively quick and wasn't ... Madison Steele: It wasn't like an endurance trip. We didn't walk super far. Kate Delarm: No. They come out if it's raining, it's fine. Madison Steele: Yeah. Totally. You just wear, like a rain jacket. You can bring an umbrella. It's very chill and fun. Yeah, we really liked it. We had a great time. I think that this is gonna be a big show for The Fringe. It's already kind of like almost selling out every night. There's still a bunch of tickets left for next week, so if you do wanna go see it, I would get your tickets right away, because it's very fun and worth it. Have some drinks with your friends, go see Fake Ghost Tours. Kate Delarm: Go see it, it's really awesome. Madison Steele: It's really awesome. Kate Delarm: We had a really good time. Madison Steele: We had a great time. Madison Steele: My name is Madison Steele. Kate Delarm: My name is Kate Delarm. Madison Steele: And we just reviewed Fake Ghost Tours by Wells Fargo Productions as a part of the 2018 Vancouver Fringe Festival. It was a BYOV, Bring Your Own Venue. Meeting place was at the Hub. It was great. If you have seen this show or know someone who has seen the show, or just wanna talk about it, please leave a comment, like the video, subscribe to our YouTube channel for more reviews, and have an amazing night. Or day, whenever you're watching this. Kate Delarm: Whenever you're watching. Madison Steele: Who knows? Kate Delarm: Have a good time. Madison Steele: Maybe it's March 4th on a Thursday. Kate Delarm: In 2025. Madison Steele: Just love it. Kate Delarm: Just love it. Madison Steele: We did not have drinks before seeing this show. Kate Delarm: No, we didn't. Madison Steele: Just to say, we're totally sober. We just had a really great time and are in very silly moods now. So, go see the show.
Karen Roller
11/9/2018 15:13:41
True entertainers. I too thoroughly enjoyed this tour, I mean, performance. Was indeed a nice break from the intense theatre I tend to gravitate towards.
13/9/2018 22:25:12
Just aw this tonight in the performance where everything that could have gone wrong did. First off, the guys were true professionals about it. They just turned each issue into a running joke and rolled with it. The stories were freaking hilarious! I loved their outfits, the repetition, the music. I want them to do more!!
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